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Kefir Probiotic Drinks Help a Stressed Gut

Updated on October 27, 2017
Health benefits of Kefir are endless!
Health benefits of Kefir are endless!

Kefir was a very common drink during my childhood and youth years.

I grew up in Latvia, which was part of the former Soviet Union those years.

Nobody talked about stress, weight loss, diets, or even healthy eating those days. We just ate and drank what was available.

There were not many products available but kefir was.

I knew kefir was a probiotic drink (I was studying for my MD degree) but neither I, nor others around me cared much about the kerfir's health benefit tags. We drank kefir just because it was what we could get our hands on.

Kefir just happened to be one of the products always available.

I still remember those glass bottles of kefir sitting lonely on the shelves and nobody cared much about them.

Today I live in Italy and miss my kefir a lot because you simply can’t get it here.And now I am aware of its amazing health irony :)

Maybe it was because of kefir’s health benefits we survived and were able to compensate the lack of variety of foods that are available today?

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk product that originates from the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet Union where it was used in ancient times to treat a variety of health related problems ranging from digestive disorders to infectious processes such as tuberculosis.

Now, the Western world is starting to discover and embrace the apparent health benefits of kefir.

But truly, the health benefits of Kefir are endless!

Here are some Kefir health benefits:

  • With lactose intolerance being so common in these days, kefir can be a healthy alternative to traditional milk and yogurt.
  • Contains several friendly bacteria: Lactobacillus kefyr, Leuconostoc cremoris, Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus cremoris, Lactococcus diacetylactis, Candida kefyr, and Saccharomyces unisporous.
  • Contains probiotics, healthy microorganisms which can help to maintain normal digestive function and are used to make the feel-good neurotransmitter, serotonin.
  • Probiotics helps stressed gut
  • Relieves all intestinal disorders, reduces flatulence, promotes bowel movement, and creates a healthier digestive system.
  • Enhances the immune system.
  • Contains beneficial yeast, enzymes, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K, and the B vitamins, critical for a healthy nervous system
  • Inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and yeasts.
  • May help to prevent breast cancer.
  • Helps patients suffering from stress related chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS, herpes.
  • Contains tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids which is well-known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system.
  • Helps ease depression, sleep disorders, and ADHD.

Kefir Grains, Make Your Own Kefir

What are kefir grains?

Kefir culture or "grains", which are used to make kefir, look like white, semi-clear cauliflower florets. The kefir culture is referred to as "grains", though it shouldn't be confused with the ordinary sort of "grain", which usually comes to mind.

Kefir grains are a combination of yeasts and bacteria, along with some sugars and proteins.

Kefir grains aren't "made", but rather grow as they are cultured.

Kefir Recipe

How is kefir made?

Kefir is made by combining kefir grains with milk.

For every tablespoon of kefir grains, you will need a 7-8 tablespoons of milk (about one cup total, with the grains).

Just place the milk and grains in a glass jar, cover loosely, and store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, for 12-24 hours. The resulting fermented milk is the kefir!

Strain, and enjoy your fresh kefir!

Kefir For Healthy Breakfast

You can drink Kefir straight up or drizzle it over your favorite cereal!

Try healthy breakfast:

Cereal with Kefir


Cereals are high fiber foods and together Kefir both are Living Food with multiple health benefits.


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